Friday, April 16, 2010

Holy big swim! April 13

And so it begins...

Warmup: 200swim, 200 pull, 100 kick, 200 swim, 100 build
Mainset: 600 pull, 6 x 100 on 2:00, 400 pull, 4 x 100 on 1:55, 200 pull, 2 x 100 on 1:50, 2 x 100 easy
Cooldown: 200 easy
Total distance: 3600m (a full mile longer than the half-ironman swim of 2k, just sayin')

Holy woah! This was an incredibly hard workout mentally and physically. The splits were out of my grasp and I will have to talk to Sean about times. Started to get very frustrated toward the end of the first 100s as I was getting only a couple seconds rest and couldn't imagine swimming the next set faster. Realized I wouldn't hit the splits and just decided I would swim them as fast as I could, shooting for 2:00. This was certainly a more attainable pace, but still a struggle. Very hard swim and my longest by 800m. Overall not too disappointed as I still got through and didn't give up on it.

30 minute recovery run in the evening was a battle because I was spent after the swim and a hectic day but again I got through it and this is huge for me. I know I will have to keep my head in the game for 70.3 miles so keeping on track with workouts will go along way to my mental performance.

"(Scientific testing) can't determine how the mind will tolerate pain in a race. Sometimes, I say, 'Today I can die.'"
Gelindo Bordin


New week, new plan April 12

So, Sean has decided that if I am going to do the 70.3 we should probably be doing the same workouts. Needless to say, I am concerned. Did I say concerned? I meant terrified. This will be good though right? I mean he's really good and I want to be good so if I do what he does, maybe I can be. Oh boy...

This week is a recovery week, for Sean. For me it will be adjusting into a higher level of training.
Today is easy, just a 1500m easy swim. I haven't done any long, continuous distance in a while so this felt really good and was a mental practice for me as well. I have 4 days of swimming this week so I am thoroughly enjoying this light day.

"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance."
Bruce Barton


First Duathlon Workout April 11

Run, bike, run...throw in a swim and it's the story of my life these days :P Pretty excited to see how my legs will respond to this workout.

Aerobic Duathlon Brick
Base Run of 20minutes, hop on bike and ride 20mins @ strong effort, and then ride 50min @aerobic for total of 1hr10min ride. Off bike run 30mins including 4x1minute pickups @ hard effort with 1minute easy.

Base run I treated as a warm up basically but done strong. Bike was incredibly hard. Muscles adjust much better bike to run than run to bike. Felt a bit woozy on the 20 minute hard effort and had trouble maintaining a solid pace til about 10 minutes into the ride. Using gels pretty regularly now and they don't seem to have a negative affect on my belly :) Felt good off the bike. 10 minutes good effort and then pickups. I did them as alternating laps on the track (7 laps to the mile) so recovery was a bit longer but they were great and stayed on pace through them all.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."
Percy Cerutty

Thanks for reading,


DAY OFF!!! April 9...and 10

Short post as today was a scheduled day off. And then took another day because I was exhausted and I got really busy on Saturday. Woke up late and had to run around and just couldn't get to the mile repeats and aerobic swim planned for today. Oh well, life happens. Found a great quote though.

"It is simply that we can all be good boys and wear our letter sweaters around and get our little degrees and find some nice girl to settle, you know, down with...Or we can blaze! Become legends in our own time, strike fear in the heart of mediocre talent everywhere! We can scald dogs, put records out of reach! Make the stands gasp as we blow into an unearthly kick from three hundred yards out! We can become God's own messengers delivering the dreaded scrolls! We can race black Satan himself till he wheezes fiery cinders down the back straightaway....They'll speak our names in hushed tones, 'those guys are animals' they'll say! We can lay it on the line, bust a gut, show them a clean pair of heels. We can sprint the turn on a spring breeze and feel the winter leave our feet! We can, by God, let our demons loose and just wail on!"
Quentin Cassidy, fictional miler in running cult classic, Once a Runner by John Parker

More to come...


Swim N Run on Day 11 April 8

This is the last day of an 11 day stretch and I am tired...

Honestly don't remember much about this workout, oops. Long repeats are newer for me but they are a big help mentally. I really have to concentrate when I swim or I get lazy. I have to think about the long reach, the big pull and the strong kick. And I have to think about it the whole time so long repeats keep me focused longer.

AM- swim session: 200 swim, 200 pull, 200 drill, 200 swim warmup
5 x 300m on 6:40; this should be enough rest for you. See how it goes. 3 x 100 pull
cooldown, 200m.

Had no trouble hitting the splits and had plenty of rest so will have to cut the time down next time I do this workout.

PM- 1hour run with 4-6x 30second pickups to 10k effort.

Not sure if I legitimately forgot about the pick ups or if my brain was protecting my exhausted body, but I didn't do them. Just over an hour run at a super comfortable pace. I made it to the end of this stretch of training and I am happy with that.

"Thank God, it's over."
Neil Cusack, 1974 marathon winner


More hills...and they grew! April 7

Another hill workout today. I was a bit crunched for time so did this workout on the treadmill at the Y. Love my YMCA by the way. It is the David D. Hunting branch downtown GR and its amazing. Never a lack of treadmills though they could use a few more bikes...

At any rate, here is the workout:
Run Session-
Warm up 15minutes plus strides
Run 6x3minute hills with 3mins (or downhill) easy. If on treadmill run 5-7% grade.
Cooldown is 15-20mins.
Pm- 50 - 60 minute aerobic cycle keep this light as i am sure your pretty tired.

As I mentioned, I did these on the tready at 5.5% grade and 8:57 mile pace. Tough. There were a few moments where I felt that I could push harder but others where I wasn't sure I could make it. Maintained the same settings throughout. This is the first time I have done hills this long (3 minutes) and was a bit surprised at how good it felt. Always good to break up the running monotony with these types of workouts and I know they will helps on the hills in the 25k.

Bike was just an easy aerobic spin. Felt good to move my legs with very little resistance :)

"...just like Charlie don't surf...trout don't run...they swim. Runners have slimey protective coatings too, after a few hard laps... but that's where it ends, baby...If trout ran...they would understand that pain is just a state of mind...they would not need a bunch of tree huggers to sympathize with their plight..."
The Rage on Wimpy Trout

Try to stay on top of this better...


Friday, April 9, 2010

Mmmmm...swimming April 6

Don't think I have ever been so happy about doing a pool workout!

Swim session-
600 warmup (200 swim, 200 pull, 200 easy)
5 x 200 on 4 minutes, or 4:30 if that’s better. You should have good rest between.
5 x 100 on 2 minutes. These ones should be harder and faster.
300 easy cool down.
Total distance: 2400 meters

Did the 200's on 4:30 to get the intended good rest. Got through all 5 100's on pace which makes me very happy. Overall, swim was challenging, but good.

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice your gift." Steve Prefontain


Just keep running... April 5

Meh. That's how I feel about today's 1:45 run. Dying for a legs off day. Struggled through approximately 11 slow miles feeling very sluggish and battling with the wind. Ran the same route as yesterday as I was downtown and had to spin after but had a completely different experience. Meh.

50 minute spin to try and get some life back in my legs. Felt good just to spin.

"You have no control what the other guys goes. You only have control over what you do." A J Kitt

Thanks for reading,


Easter April 4

90 minute run after work. Figured it to be about 10 miles. Actually felt surprisingly good despite the fatigue and wind on the return. Sunny and warm, my legs were lovin it! Felt dehydrated during the run as I probably didn't drink enough while at work. Will have to consider portable hydration for these longer runs as we get into summer. Also a good idea to get used to taking fluids and gels on the runs...

"Think big, believe big, act big, and the results will be big." Anon

Happy Easter!


And that's why they call it a "Brick" April 3

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I don't mind brick workouts. I actually kinda like them. Maybe because I've always been a runner and that's what comes naturally to me. Not really sure, but nonetheless, this is the case...usually.

Today was not one of those days. I feel like I am approaching the limits for pushing my legs. I am accustomed to long mileage. Hard mileage, not so much. I know this is likely just an adjustment period and I will adapt to the new work, but for today it is hard. Very hard.

Brick Session-
2hour base including 2x20mins @ stronger effort, take 10' between each interval. OFF bike run 15mins hard tempo, 20minutes easy. Optional swim this afternoon, 2000m easy.

Hard efforts were at 90 rpm and 90 resistance. Bike was hard but felt strong. Mile one off the bike was 8:09. Second was 8:12. All I could do to get through the last twenty minutes. Looking forward to tomorrow's easy miles.

"What counts in a battle is what you do once the pain sets in." John Short


Tough Maneuvers April 2

So, today was supposed to be a 90 minute, mellow, happy place kinda run. Sadly, I had to move some things around as the Y is closed on Easter Sunday. I will have to save this run for Easter. Consequently, Saturday's workout moves to today and Sunday's brick bumps to Saturday. Today is kilometer repeats and there is nothing happy place about it. I try to stay positive, but speed work simply isn't my favorite. There is a reason I run distance. I am not fast. My legs are toasted from the bike yesterday and hills the day before and turning over just isn't what they are in the mood for...

Shooting for 7:00 mile pace which, looking back, may have been a bit ambitious considering how I was feeling. But, I haven't done 1000's since high school so it seemed feasible at the time. Ripped the first one off in 4:18. Sweet! Two seconds faster than goal pace. Maybe it won't be so bad. Two minutes recovery went by very quickly and legs just wouldn't go as fast as I needed them to. Remaining splits were 4:28, 4:33, 4:37, 4:37. Slower than I was hoping for, certainly, but I finished strong and stayed pretty steady through the last 3. Legs are done! Skipping the optional 50 minute spin in hopes of a strong brick tomorrow.

"I've always felt that long, slow distance produces long, slow runners."
Sebastian Coe



TimeTrial...gulp April 1

Unfortunately, not an April Fool's joke :P

AM - TT swim day.
500 warmup loose, maybe some build efforts as well.
500 tempo, 400 TT, 300 tempo, 200 TT, 100TT 300 pull strong,
then 200 cooldown.

record TT times, tempo should be moderate but steady pace, TT should be paced so you can get through it but work as hard as you can.


Total swim: 2500 meters

This felt amazing! Guess I should be wanting faster times, but Sean seemed happy with them so I am too! First time with time trials so at least I know where I'm at. Oh right...still have to bike!

Threshold Bike Session:

Warm up- 20 minutes with some build efforts to get warmed up.
Mainset: 5x5mins @ TT effort, 5mins easy between.
Cooldown to 70 minutes.

TimeTrial efforts: 19 mph, 90 rpm, 9 resistance.

Again, felt really good with this effort. Belly was upset after the swim, so break between but think that was probably for the best.

"It hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse."
Ann Trason


Hills...just float March 31

Will always think of Sean and the day we ran hills in Calgary when I do hill workouts. He is crazy good on hills and will always be faster than me so I get his encouragement at the end of the hill. My last one he said, "Just float." It stuck and now gets me through when I'd rather give up.

Did 5 x 2:00 hills outside in the wind. By wind I mean huge gusts in my face going up the hill and rushing my recovery going down the hill. Seriously? Just a little love? At least the sun was shining and there was almost no traffic on the road.

Splits were:
2:01, 2:00, 2:03, 2:02 and 1:58.
Total run was about 6.5 miles over an hour. Did I mention it was gorgeous out?

If the hill has its own name, then its probably a pretty tough hill - Mary Stern

Happy running,


Not quite a fish...

So today was a swim/bike day.

Swim session:
500 easy mix warmup

mainset: 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 (300 -100 should be faster, so do the first have at a medium pace, maybe 2:10/100m?) 200m pull,

100 long and loose cool down

Total distance 2550 meters

The descending is always a struggle for me as I still get tired in the pool. My stroke gets longer and stronger every day though :) Did the 300 - 100 at 10' faster per set and added an all out 50m at the end. Felt remarkably good.

Strength bike session(75minutes)

warm up is 25mintues with 6x1minute high cadence, 1minute @90rpm.

Mainset is 2x20mins with 5' between @ 50-55rpm. This will be challenging like your climbing a
hill for 20minutes.

Cooldown til 75

This was very hard but extremely rewarding. I have not done this long of a strength session before and was happy with how I did. Resistance started at 19 (ambitious) and dropped to 17 after 7 minutes but I stayed consistent and am finding this is key.

Let us ask you something.
And tell us the truth.
There's only one person
who will know if you don't
finish today, isn't there?
The same person who knows
you finished yesterday.
-Asics ad

Thank you,


Emotional running March 29

Ahhh...the run fueled by emotion.

It was a great 8 mile run in 1:02:33. I wouldn't say it felt effortless, but it wasn't hard despite the strong pace. First mile in 7:25 concerned me a little, but it was a run just for me so it didn't matter how I finished. Out in 30:44 and back in 31:49 so stayed pretty steady.

You can't outrun sadness, but I always feel better after runs like this than I did before I laced up my shoes.

Upon arriving home, Sean has devised a training program for me and suggested creating a blog so he can track my progress. So, here it is.

Why do i run?
-Why do i Breathe?
Nike ad



It begins...

So...met my boyfriend, Sean, in August and learned he was a triathlete. I have been a runner most of my life but was intrigued by the idea of multisport events. Running I do, biking I did (and we all know the saying) but swimming terrified me. Don't get me wrong, I could get from point A to point B, but it wasn't gonna be pretty. And it was exhausting. Triathlon? Interesting, but not for me thanks.

Or was it...

When I returned to visit Sean two weeks later, he raced in the Orillia Triathlon. It was so much fun to watch, but I had a feeling of discontent at only being a spectator. Crazy, I know, but I was always the one racing, not watching. And so the idea was planted in my head. I would come back next year and race. Just gotta figure out how to swim...efficiently...with my face in the water...gulp.

It was a process, but with guidance from Sean and help from I got in the pool. I am a bit of a stubborn person and I had decided that swimming certainly wasn't going to get the better of me. I spent at least an hour a day for a week in the pool taking baby steps. I felt like an idiot. A grown woman teaching herself to swim, I looked ridiculous I'm sure. But I did it and within a month I was able to swim a continuous mile.

Trained over the winter without much direction but a focus on running as its my comfort zone. Also, I am running a 25k race the beginning of May. Realized an unfocused training plan probably wasn't going to get me where I wanted to go. Started getting regular workouts from Sean and began journaling in March. It was around this time that I got the notion that I might be able to do a half-Ironman. So to be honest, Sean is doing the Peterborough 70.3 and I don't know if I can handle the spectator thing again...

I promise I'm not insane. I just like to challenge myself. Alot. True, I don't actually own a bike yet nor have I ridden one in years but I'm not worried. It has got to be easier than doing two hour workouts on the stationary bike at the Y...right? Okay, so I might be in a little over my head, but how do you know what your limits are if you never test them?

Altered my diet, eliminating processed foods and sticking to whole grains and got serious about training. Too serious. Burned out after two weeks of 6 days running and 3 each swim and bike workouts, not to mention a full-time, on my feet job. Yes, Sean, you were right. I should listen to you more often as you have been doing this much longer than I have. It's just not my way. I have to figure things out for myself. I'm sorry. Thank you for loving me anyway :)

More conservative training plan with more quality workouts that require less time. SO MUCH BETTER! It's hard but a lot better for me.

Enter blog. Listening to Sean this time and posting my workouts here. Hoping it will give me the insight I need to go 70.3 on July 4!

"The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." -- Juma Ikangaa

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

At Sean's Suggestion...

So, blogging...Not really sure about this but Sean suggested it in my training plan so I'm going to give it a go. Seems there is never really enough space to say everything I want in my training journal. Hoping this will be of benefit to my training offering insight and therapeutic release.

Thank you for reading and I hope it can be helpful to somebody else out there.

The vision of a champion is someone
who is bent over, drenched in sweat,
at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.
-Anson Dorrance
