Friday, April 16, 2010

More hills...and they grew! April 7

Another hill workout today. I was a bit crunched for time so did this workout on the treadmill at the Y. Love my YMCA by the way. It is the David D. Hunting branch downtown GR and its amazing. Never a lack of treadmills though they could use a few more bikes...

At any rate, here is the workout:
Run Session-
Warm up 15minutes plus strides
Run 6x3minute hills with 3mins (or downhill) easy. If on treadmill run 5-7% grade.
Cooldown is 15-20mins.
Pm- 50 - 60 minute aerobic cycle keep this light as i am sure your pretty tired.

As I mentioned, I did these on the tready at 5.5% grade and 8:57 mile pace. Tough. There were a few moments where I felt that I could push harder but others where I wasn't sure I could make it. Maintained the same settings throughout. This is the first time I have done hills this long (3 minutes) and was a bit surprised at how good it felt. Always good to break up the running monotony with these types of workouts and I know they will helps on the hills in the 25k.

Bike was just an easy aerobic spin. Felt good to move my legs with very little resistance :)

"...just like Charlie don't surf...trout don't run...they swim. Runners have slimey protective coatings too, after a few hard laps... but that's where it ends, baby...If trout ran...they would understand that pain is just a state of mind...they would not need a bunch of tree huggers to sympathize with their plight..."
The Rage on Wimpy Trout

Try to stay on top of this better...


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