Friday, April 9, 2010

Tough Maneuvers April 2

So, today was supposed to be a 90 minute, mellow, happy place kinda run. Sadly, I had to move some things around as the Y is closed on Easter Sunday. I will have to save this run for Easter. Consequently, Saturday's workout moves to today and Sunday's brick bumps to Saturday. Today is kilometer repeats and there is nothing happy place about it. I try to stay positive, but speed work simply isn't my favorite. There is a reason I run distance. I am not fast. My legs are toasted from the bike yesterday and hills the day before and turning over just isn't what they are in the mood for...

Shooting for 7:00 mile pace which, looking back, may have been a bit ambitious considering how I was feeling. But, I haven't done 1000's since high school so it seemed feasible at the time. Ripped the first one off in 4:18. Sweet! Two seconds faster than goal pace. Maybe it won't be so bad. Two minutes recovery went by very quickly and legs just wouldn't go as fast as I needed them to. Remaining splits were 4:28, 4:33, 4:37, 4:37. Slower than I was hoping for, certainly, but I finished strong and stayed pretty steady through the last 3. Legs are done! Skipping the optional 50 minute spin in hopes of a strong brick tomorrow.

"I've always felt that long, slow distance produces long, slow runners."
Sebastian Coe



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