Friday, April 16, 2010

Holy big swim! April 13

And so it begins...

Warmup: 200swim, 200 pull, 100 kick, 200 swim, 100 build
Mainset: 600 pull, 6 x 100 on 2:00, 400 pull, 4 x 100 on 1:55, 200 pull, 2 x 100 on 1:50, 2 x 100 easy
Cooldown: 200 easy
Total distance: 3600m (a full mile longer than the half-ironman swim of 2k, just sayin')

Holy woah! This was an incredibly hard workout mentally and physically. The splits were out of my grasp and I will have to talk to Sean about times. Started to get very frustrated toward the end of the first 100s as I was getting only a couple seconds rest and couldn't imagine swimming the next set faster. Realized I wouldn't hit the splits and just decided I would swim them as fast as I could, shooting for 2:00. This was certainly a more attainable pace, but still a struggle. Very hard swim and my longest by 800m. Overall not too disappointed as I still got through and didn't give up on it.

30 minute recovery run in the evening was a battle because I was spent after the swim and a hectic day but again I got through it and this is huge for me. I know I will have to keep my head in the game for 70.3 miles so keeping on track with workouts will go along way to my mental performance.

"(Scientific testing) can't determine how the mind will tolerate pain in a race. Sometimes, I say, 'Today I can die.'"
Gelindo Bordin


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