Friday, April 9, 2010

And that's why they call it a "Brick" April 3

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it. I don't mind brick workouts. I actually kinda like them. Maybe because I've always been a runner and that's what comes naturally to me. Not really sure, but nonetheless, this is the case...usually.

Today was not one of those days. I feel like I am approaching the limits for pushing my legs. I am accustomed to long mileage. Hard mileage, not so much. I know this is likely just an adjustment period and I will adapt to the new work, but for today it is hard. Very hard.

Brick Session-
2hour base including 2x20mins @ stronger effort, take 10' between each interval. OFF bike run 15mins hard tempo, 20minutes easy. Optional swim this afternoon, 2000m easy.

Hard efforts were at 90 rpm and 90 resistance. Bike was hard but felt strong. Mile one off the bike was 8:09. Second was 8:12. All I could do to get through the last twenty minutes. Looking forward to tomorrow's easy miles.

"What counts in a battle is what you do once the pain sets in." John Short


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