Monday, May 10, 2010

Riding with Sean... May 3

In Ontario for a few days visiting friends. Got in very early Sunday morning after driving overnight. Took Sunday off, just relaxing and napping and catching up. Enjoying the presence on good friends.

Woke up today feeling unexpectedly good and the weather looked better than it was supposed to so took advantage of the trails and did an hour on soft terrain with Mischa. Good run, felt very strong and was able to push through some stomach pains which I think is important. I imagine I will encounter these at some point in the race so good to not be surprised. Finished hard, Mischa is tired :P

Time for a real ride. So, silly me, thought I was riding pretty hard all by myself on the relatively flat White Pine Trail. Needless to say, I was very, very wrong. Did about 25 miles on the roads in Orillia near Sean's house and I have a much better appreciation for how good he is and how far I've got to go to even be okay. Averaged about 16 mph on hills and reached 33 mph on a downhill that scared me half to death. Made it up the big hill. Saw where Sean got hit...seethed. Hoped I wasn't holding him back too much. Very glad to be done fighting the wind though Sean taught me how to draft and took the brunt of it for a good bit of the ride.

Need to ride uncomfortably hard to make riding hard more comfortable...

"Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any"

-Anthony Bailey



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