Monday, May 10, 2010

Home alone... May 5

Drove back from Ontario today and am emotionally spent. Just feel completely drained. Thank you so much to the Jacksons. I love you guys and couldn't ask for better friends. Thanks for putting up with me.

Got called off work so decided to run 5 miles as my mileage has been lacking to say the least. Ran it hard to clear my head. 25k race on Saturday is really weighing on my mind. Initial goal of 2 hours seems unattainable. Neglected my training and now am wondering if I should even attempt it. Have let myself down, but can't let Lea down. She has worked so hard for this and I owe it to her to be there, running. Finished winded and tired. Given the last few days I should cut myself some slack, but its just not my style...

Running is real and relatively simple…but it ain't easy.
--Mark Will-Weber


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